Thursday, 2 October 2014

28 Weeks Later Poster Analysis

Poster style Design consists of a large WARNING in bold, which draws the attention of the Audience towards the advertisement.

Colours of RED and neutral colours of cream and white, emphasise the film is a Horror/Thriller.

The figure in the poster is in an upright and uniformed stance, the fact that he is holding a rifle suggests he is military, and the respirator suggests a Biohazard is in place, alongside the Biohazard symbol under the title.

Title, 28 Days Later, Is in the Corner of the Posters image, not standing out, but as though it is just information, may be specific for the fan so the previous film, as the title will be less important. Done so that the effect of the poster is not broken but so that the audience understands the denotation without noticing the connotations.

Information at the bottom relating to what the movie might be about, without telling the story, also in Red, sense of danger, which the message emphasises  The overall poster is less like an ad for a movie, but more like a public service announcement
Release date if the film and a Web Link. (for information to the institution) is at the bottom and in small print, as to not obstruct the effect the poster is trying to create, but still advertising itself to the audience so that they know were to refer to.

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