Thursday, 4 December 2014

The Recki Shoot and Test footage

Mid shot / low angle

One of the steps on the way to completing our course work was doing what is called a 'Recki shoot'. This is were we film the entire opening sequence to see what does and doesn't work in terms of camera angles, actions, movement of characters or if certain ideas just don't work.

Close up, after the Biker falls off, she lands and we have
a POV shot of the Killer walking towards her, then we went up to the
highest point in school so that we could film an establishing shot
over the Surrey South Downs, to show the gun going off and for how far
it is Heard

As this was an observation of wether or no the angles and filming style would work, Mise-En-Scene and props wasn't of concern, so Ellie, playing our cyclist, insisted that she sat on a frisbee. When shooting her i simply used my fingers to represent a gun. and the 'Exorcist' poster at the end was meant to represent a picture of the cyclist.

We wanted to see what would and wouldn't work well in terms of length of shots and actions, as a group we decided that having a 30 second long segment of cycling was incredibly irrelevant and boring. So we decided to write in something that would take up better time. 

This process told the group that our idea really needed re-thinking, although camera angles and connotations will stay with us throughout the rest of pre-production and will be used later on. Location was as expected, but during the actual shoot we hope to go to a much less built up and secluded area.

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