My ideas will be given in order of the ones that i preferred.
Example: - first will be the explanation of the plot, in minor detail without giving anything away, a synopsis if you will, if our course work was to turn into something bigger
- second will be the explanation of the title sequence ( what we would film )
1. - In the post apocalyptic Britain, destroyed by a virus which has killed off 3/4 of the world, a soldier with no attachment to the Army that, doesn't exist anymore, must fight for survive, against others scavenging what is left, and his own animalistic instincts, that have made him less than a protector of his country, and less than a person.
- The title sequence shows the soldier as he slows patrol an empty woodland, when he gets to the edge, and closer to a field, a takes a knee and scans the area with his rifle, to see a car in the middle, abandoned, but recently used, he runs over to investigate, and spends some time scavenging the car for supplies. When he does he finds some food and water, but is distracted by a photo of a family he finds under the sun shield on the drivers side. Before he knows it he is under attack from a group of other survivors, but showing his military professionalism, he defeats them easily, and the quietly continues on his journey to nowhere...
2. - A series of interviews between a fresh out of training Lieutenant and a battle hardened Sgt in the British army, exploring the moral and physical and mental traumas of modern day conflicts that the Sergent was involved in, exposing his PTSD and his experiences, based on true accounts and stories of soldiers in the British Army.
- First showing an awkward and suspenseful stare off across the table in a white interview room, a nervous young female L.T. at one end, a dreary much older and heavy eyed Sgt at the other. looking for a diversion away form the moment, the L.T. opens up his file and asked the Sgt to confirm the reports in it. She begins to read and the Sgt closes his eyes, we then have a change of scene, but all that the audience can see is the Sgt's face in an extreme close up. The voice of the L.T. can be heard constantly in an echo, which gives the audience an idea of what is happening, and what he can see. as the content gets more violent and descriptive, the expressions on his face change, to match the scenario. At a final climactic and shocking ending to the report, it cuts back to them in the interview room, with the L.T. closing the file, and asking, " was the report accurate?", to which he replies "let me start from the beginning"... fade to black
3. - Friday the 13th... in the British countryside. Showing the life of a cheerful farmer with a dark and twisted secret, he loves ruthless and remorseless murder.
- Showing a tent in the middle of the countryside, with the very indiscriminate sound of two young teens, a male and a female, having a good time. we then see a figure walk towards the tent, in wellingtons and some rather itchy looking trousers. he has a shotgun by his side, he raises it, and fires two shots through the tent, followed by the painful and terrified walling of the girl in the tent. the farmer reloads his shells, opens up the tent, and ignores the girls plead for her life, by shooting her, blood exploding from the entrance has he fire his gun. he pulls both bodies out, and sticks them into a wheel barrow and walks back, with his farmhouse in the distance, whistling 'Jerusalem.'
4. - When MI6 really master the art of disguise, there really is no where to hide if you are a wanted criminal or terrorist. Following a Special unit that focus on infiltration and surprise attacks by dressing up in convincing and elaborate costume.
- A black Land Rover 4 door, driving along a town street, with 4 men inside, 3 goons guarding there boss. as they turn a corner they see a homeless man outside, asking for spare change. one of the goons commenting that he is a poor bastard for being a hobo. In the next shot they are on a rural road and they find that they are lost. Before they no it the homeless man they drove past, has smashed in the drivers window and shot the three goons before they even knew what hit them. The hobo then opens the rear passenger door to reveal a startled boss,and orders him out. The boss is stood in-front of the man at gun point, and the boss attempts to make a deal, the hobo shoots him i the knee cap, and bends down to pick a USB from out of his top pocket, and says "lets make a trade" replacing the USB with a live grenade. his phone rings and he begins to walk off to answer it, the hobo responds to the call by saying, " Got in, like taking sweets from a baby" the grenade goes off , and then there is a straight cut to black