Thursday, 18 June 2015

Conventions of a Website, Rock & Roll

 Foo Fighters

The page for the band is simplistic, a picture of their new album cover, their FF logo and the lead singer/guitarist Dave Grohl being the first images we see. This is obviously a webpage designed for existing fans, and not designed to draw the attention of a potential audience.
However the conventions of a Rock band are there, a guitarist on stage, the font inscribing 'Foo Fighters' has lighting bolts in some of the letters, which connotes the power of Rock and Roll, the colours are all within the black and white colour range.

Stone Temple Pilots

The webpage maintains some of the conventions of the Foo Fighters webpage, however there are some differences, such as the Fonts and colours. The fonts used in this page, are more fluid and look hand written as apposed to digital, and the overall homepage is darker, yet there is more use of colours, in things like the bands logo, and the home image,  also features a band playing live.
The overall layout of the site, is similar to that of the first one, but the use of colours may represent a different style of Rock and Roll.


There much more going on in this web page, Nirvana are a ver 90s Band, so representation of the Rock and Roll Genre will differ for the previous two. Here there are more colours, and a much bigger symbol of the band, in the background of the page.

Like the previous two sites, their are links to social media, recent news and updates, and all of the Links expected, in similar layout. The huge difference being, is that the page is much louder in terms of colour and font.

Pearl Jam

This Page is much more similar to that of the first home page, the Bands name, black and white colours, a bolder font, which still represents Rock and Roll, through being 'BIG'. Some hints of colour, but nothing miraculous enough to differentiate between the first example.

There should also be a image of the Band on the
home page, yet this hasn't shown up on the screen 
shot, just something to bare in mind...

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