Friday, 12 June 2015

What do audiences get out of watching Music Videos

Blumler, Lazerfield, and Kat’s Theory 

All three of these people  had similar theory, And that is that audiences aren't passive, they will respond to the connotations of Media texts, meaning that they are active. When they consume texts they get something out of it, it fore-fills a need they have. We refer to this as the “Uses and Gratification”, audiences use the texts for something they want or will receive by watching/listening/reading texts.

Diversion - A way to escape from the mundane reality, a fantasy. Applying this to music videos, is a way to express a more exiting world that the audiences what to be a part of.

Personal Relationships - The audience feeling companionship with the characters in media texts, soap opera is a good example as you explore the detail of their life’s. 

E.g. Rock music videos, back stage, hand held camera, shows personalities, not the negative. 

Turn Down For What - DJ Snake & Lil Jon

The music video is defiantly comedy Genre
as the dancing is juxtaposed with the casting and the Song, the characters don't fit with the style of dancing, which ads to the comedy. Along side this, the whole clip is surreal, strange and intriguing , because it doesn't really mean anything, its just people having a really good time, getting others to join in, and recking things in the process, and doing actions for that seem inhuman, the party never stops, even at the end of the Music video. Though everyone in the room passed out by the end of the video, the protagonist's penis, is still dancing around in his tracksuit.

If you were to watch this video without the Music, you realise just how  meaningless it is in terms of narrative, so the audience will defiantly feel for the wackiness, and find the music video overall to be very funny. That would explain the songs only Lyric "Turn Down For What?" being so popular on websites like Vine, and becoming a generalised meme on the Internet.
This is the Music Video, the first clip is the original 
video, and the one bellow is without the music...

Blank Space - Taylor Swift
Taylor is commonly known for creating music with a theme of Romance, and having teen girls as a target audience, and Blank Space is no acception. The music video and the lyrics are all about relationships with a character one may presume as Prince Charming, but is actually, in Taylor's mind a jackass. The theme of the music video is very modern fairytalish, the staging is very extravagant to illustrate the lack of realism, which translates to the idea that the personality of this Prince charming character isn't real, and lifestyle that comes with him isn't real either. 

The message is very clear, and very meaningful, the teen audience that the video and the song is targeted for will be at the age where they start wanting to meet guys, stereotypically, and Taylor is trying to explain that you need to be carful and not have high expectations, because it might not be what they expect.
 Different viewers from outside a target audience will view the material 
different, this parody by Bart Baker, received 34 million views on Youtube, and is a perfect representation of what others take away from Taylor Swift's Music.

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